CJ Quines


Full-stack web developer, focusing on front-end.
Loves developer tooling, interface design, code maintenance, writing copytext.


Massachusetts Institute of Technology 2019–2023 GPA: 5.0/5.0
BS Mathematics and BS Computer Science.
Relevant coursework: Software Construction, Computer Languages, Computer Systems


Software engineer · Instabase Aug 2023–now aihub.instabase.com
Develops front-end for document classification, data extraction, and custom functions.
Halved CI costs, automated front-end integration testing, sped up unit tests by 6×.
Front-end intern · Instabase Jun–Aug 2022
Shipped annotation suggestions, document search, navigation improvements, bulk annotations.
Upgraded JavaScript to TypeScript, sped up build by 10×, added stricter linting rules.
Student researcher · Computational Psycholinguistics Laboratory Jun–Aug 2020
Made a web app to gamify collecting data for computational language research.
Integrated machine-in-the-loop language models to provide live, low-latency user feedback.
Web developer · Educational Studies Program 2019–2023 esp.mit.edu
Maintained custom Django site for managing large short-term educational programs.
Site serves 5,000+ students each year; open-source code is shared across the country.


Remeda Mar 2024–now remedajs.com
Type-safe utility library, 400,000+ weekly downloads. TypeScript.
GalactiCardCaptors Aug–Nov 2023 2023.galacticpuzzlehunt.com
Card game puzzlehunt, 2,000+ participants. TypeScript, React, Python, Django.
Hydrant 2022–2023 hydrant.mit.edu
Student-run class schedule planner, 3,000+ yearly users. TypeScript, React, Python.
You Will Explode If You Stop Talking Jan 2021 yweiyst.github.io
Game inspired by Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes and Spaceteam. JavaScript, Canvas.
qboard Jul–Oct 2020 cjquines.com/qboard
Whiteboard focused on efficient, customizable keybindings. TypeScript, Fabric.js, React.


Organizer · National Olympiad in Informatics – Philippines
Test developer · Philippine Mathematical Olympiad
Teaching assistant · Introduction to Machine Learning (6.390)
Head counselor · Program in Mathematics for Young Scientists


Karl Taylor Compton Prize
Putnam Mathematical Competition
2019 Honorable Mention
International Olympiad in Informatics
2018 Rank 179 of 335