The content is generated with Jekyll, which I finally switched to after six years of dealing with hand-written HTML and CSS. The fancy archive is built with List.js. Headings are typset in Spartan MB, and the body is in Fira Sans.

For my blog, the content is generated with Vike, with Chakra as the design library. Everything is in IBM Plex, headings are sans and body is serif.

My domain is registered with Namecheap and my hosting is provided by NearlyFreeSpeech.NET. If you’re comfortable with setting things up yourself, I wholeheartedly recommend NearlyFreeSpeech. I learned a lot about hosting and DNS and all that stuff through them.

Analytics are through Google Analytics and AWStats. AWStats gives coverage for PDF downloads, which Google Analytics can’t do. I’m a fan of WebPageTest for testing performance, and for testing accessibility and SEO.

I’ve had a website since January 2014. I got this domain in June 2017. The first big redesign was in January 2018, and that design stuck for two and a half years. The current design was made in June 2020.