
Best Of Math
Here’s what I think are some of the best math-related things I’ve written:
Type Theory by Example
Type theory, focusing on the theory behind proof assistants, with an emphasis on examples. Prerequisites are some familiarity with logic.
Machine Learning
Machine learning, for people more used to reading math textbooks than writing code. Prerequisites are some knowledge of probability theory, and dealing with matrices and vectors.
Engineering is finding the answer to a problem without solving it. People aren’t trying to engineer enough, so I wrote this to change that.
Four-Function Primality Testing
Here’s how to use a four-function calculator to check that 123,456,789,011 is prime in fifteen minutes. Discusses the Fermat test and the Miller-Rabin test.
Obscure Geometry Theorems
Discusses some techniques in computational geometry through the proofs of some lesser-known theorems.
Crossing Numbers
Talks about the Euler characteristic, Kuratowski’s and Wagner’s theorems, Fáry’s theorem, and the crossing number inequality. No prerequisites, but knowledge of graph theory is useful.