My personal projects are on Github, as cjquines.


TypeScript—A library for rendering square dance formations as SVGs.


C++, TypeScript—A port of SD for the web. Source on Github.


TypeScript—An app for managing square dance sequences. Source on Github.


TypeScript—An app for MIT semester course planning. Source on Github.


JavaScript—A tool for highlighting cryptic clue indicators. Source on Github.

MIT Mystery Hunt / Puzzle Club

JavaScript—The website for the MIT Mystery Hunt / Puzzle Club, widely regarded as the world’s largest and oldest puzzlehunt. I helped modernize the site and make it easier to update.

IAP Activities

Ruby—IAP activities, scraped and displayed in a better format, because the original website’s bad. Source on Github.


TypeScript—A web app for playing Canadian Fish, also known as Literature. Source on Github.

Real or Fake?

JavaScript—Can you guess which of these two classes is the real ESP class? Source on Github.


JavaScript—Data on pure-meta-styled puzzles from publicly available puzzlehunts. Source on Github.


JavaScript—A tool for automatically solving dropquotes. Source on Github.

You Will Explode If You Stop Talking

JavaScript—A multiplayer game inspired by Keep Talking and Nobody Explodes and Spaceteam.

Boggle Battle

JavaScript—A multiplayer cooperative word game inspired by Boggle. Source on Github.


Python—Code for running nth Annual Python Bee, an event for Bad Ideas Weekend.

Waiting Room Bot

JavaScript—A Chrome extension for automatically letting people in from a Zoom waiting room if their name is on a given list.

LaTeX source files

TeX—Style files and source files for my articles written in LaTeX.


TypeScript—A whiteboard app with aggressively efficient keybindings, meant for giving lectures. View the demo video here, and the source on Github.


CSS—A theme for Hexo, meant for blogs with a lot of longform writing. Demo here.

just one!

JavaScript—A web app for playing Just One, a collaborative word party game. Source on Github.

JavaScript—A web app for automatically harmonizing to a given melody. Most of my work was to make the UI functional. Won fourth prize in web.lab 2020. I wrote a blog post about it. Source on Github.


Python—A library for writing programming problems, with some utilities for running programming contests. Most of my work was making sure it worked on Windows, small bug fixes, and documentation.


C++—A timetabling program, written for a high school project, meant to schedule classes the way they typically work in Philippine high schools.


Visual Basic .NET—A Windows program for keeping track of scores and times for a Mathcounts-style Countdown Round.


C++, Python—A repository with some of my solutions for competitive programming problems; mostly for my own use. Not really updated regularly, as I don’t do contests any more.


Python—An Asymptote preprocessor, meant for making geometry diagrams, based on TSQ.

Research Title Generator

JavaScript—Generates random titles for SIP-style projects. Somehow the second most popular page on this website, for five years now. Source on Github.